31 July 2010

Class Complete!

Now to wait for the grade...

I'll go ahead and post the URL, here, but don't expect it to be active for long.  The campus server is emptied within a week of the official semester ending.  Once I make a few changes, I'll probably post it to another server.

24 July 2010

I believe you can get me through the night...

One of the worst habits I picked up while at college was pulling all-nighters.  This was usually due to another bad habit I developed: procrastination.  When I started taking classes again, I vowed I would stop doing both.  I can proudly report that the procrastination has thus far been held at bay.  Learning Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is a fun challenge, and easily keeps my attention for hours.

However, working late into the night is a routine I just can't seem to break.  Something about the wee hours inspires me.  I find myself wanting to work more than usual after 10pm, and get some of my best ideas when I should be sleeping.

Since I don't have to be on a "normal" schedule quite yet (one of the perks of retail work), I'll continue to burn the midnight oil.  At least I have my podcasts to keep me company.  New favorite: Radiolab.

And in case you're wondering, here's a peek at what I've been working on:

The final project for my web layout class is to redesign the Palomar College Graphic Communications Department website.  The professor has hinted that the department may actually use one of our designs.  Here's hoping I get picked!  :)

16 July 2010

Postal Service Fail

I sent some Lomography film to Snapfish a couple weeks ago, and got this back today:

Apparently my roll was damaged in shipping, and could not be developed.  This is partly my fault for not sending the film in it's plastic container (something I debated in my head before sealing the envelope).  However, I'd like to know exactly what the USPS did that shredded the envelope and nearly flattened the film canister.  I've mailed several rolls in these same envelopes with absolutely no trouble.  I'm also pretty sure some of them were not in plastic containers.

I'm a little sad that I've completely lost these photos (a combination of Sydney, the San Diego Fair, and my cousin at the park).  At the same time, I can't count how many times I've ruined my film by accidentally exposing it to light.

Guess I'll just have to reload and try again.

03 July 2010

Wish you were here

I found these old postcards today in my scrapbooking boxes:

A few I'd like to keep, but others would make lovely greeting card artwork.  Looks like I have some brainstorming to do in the next couple weeks.