16 May 2010

Endless... Winter?

(Photo from redbubble.com)

In less than a week I'll be on an airplane headed Down Under! This is my first trip to Australia, and I look forward to experiencing Sydney and seeing my boyfriend again. One small problem: it's early winter there. Yep, just as the SoCal weather starts to warm up I'll be headed into the frigid Aussie winter. OK, it doesn't get that cold, but I am giving up two and a half weeks of prime San Diego beach weather.

It's actually kind of fitting that I'll be visiting in winter: I visited Tokyo a few years ago during the winter (my only other international trip outside of North America). While it was quite cold and windy, I still had a great time. Plane tickets were relatively cheap because of the time of year, and it was easies to get time off work after the holiday rush. Japan's culture is very work-oriented, so on weekdays major tourist attractions were virtually empty. (Seriously, if you ever go to Tokyo Disney, go on a Wednesday. You won't wait more than 10 minutes for a ride.) All things considered, visiting Tokyo in winter was a wise decision.

Here's hoping Sydney in May will be even better!

1 comment:

Zeek said...

Tokyo Disney, you can't go wrong because it's a very unique experience except that everything else in Tokyo is rather expensive.