15 October 2009

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

Today is Blog Action Day, "an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day" to raise awareness and create global discussion. This year's topic is Climate Change, a subject that I am deeply interested in.

Artists can impact climate change in big ways, from choosing environmentally-friendly supplies to creating work that sparks meaningful discussion of how we treat our planet:

My current work reflects on climate change and responsible use of Earth's resources. I've been experimenting with recycled materials, specifically magazine pages:

I love making art from magazines that would likely end up in a landfill or consume energy during the recycling process. They are also one-of-a-kind creations, since I can never recreate the exact same combination of pages.

And just because I love it:

This Current pod is one of my favorites. Visiting other countries really makes one stop and think about how most Americans live their lives. If we all lived on a little less, we could make a big impact on climate change.

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