14 September 2010

Photoshop Fun

The fall semester is underway!

This semester I'm taking a courses in Photoshop and Flash.  I've been a casual PS user for a number of years, but have never taken a class focusing on the software.  The first few assignments have been pretty basic, but still fun and informative.

This week's assignment was to create a texture quilt using the crop tool and upsampling/downsampling techniques.  I opted to use only images from my trip to Sydney:

I really like the concept of this assignment.  It's a unique way to display vacation photos, possibly as a calendar image or thank you card.

The Flash class is a bit more challenging at the moment.  My only exposure to the software was as an animation intern three years ago.  It will be fun to create some basic animations, which I hope to incorporate into some web design ideas I have.  I'm working on an online portfolio to help with my internship/job search.  Fingers crossed I can get it all together (and looking excellent) by January!

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