09 March 2010

Just give me time, time, time, time, time (Just give me some)

I've been very busy lately, and unfortunately have been neglecting my little blog. Updates and new artwork are coming soon, provided I can find enough hours in the day (and enough energy) to complete all the things on my to-do list:
  • I've started a new part-time job. It's good to have the money, but retail can really tire you out!
  • I'm making arrangements to start school again this summer. I've thought about going back since I got my BFA almost three years ago, but the timing wasn't right until now. Once classes start I'll be even more pressed for time, so I should feel lucky to only be worrying about counseling appointments and finding the time to get an ID card right now. Soon I'll be juggling classes, homework, and internships again.
  • My Etsy store is really close to launching! I want everything to be on the up-and-up before I open for business, so I'm patiently awaiting my seller's permit (and subsequently, my business license). This will mean making a lot more merchandise, and a lot less personal art, but at least I'm still creating, right?
  • I've also committed myself to making my mom two new bowls: one for the house, and one to give a coworker as a gift. (I should really get those done this week...)

1 comment:

Living Shallow, Living Well said...

I looked at some of your art and I think you are quite talented- I think you'll do pretty well when you open your Etsy shop!