I am part of an online community known as Dunder Mifflin Infinity. The community is for fans of the TV show "The Office," and includes such silliness as virtual desks, mini-golf tournaments, and other Office related tasks.
However, every once in awhile we do something important with our spare (or non-spare) time. This summer DMI is kicking off its United Way Fundraising Task. The Bangor, Maine branch has chosen to raise funds for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, and hope someone out there will decide to help us!
If you wish to donate, please click here. Every little bit helps, and is greatly appreciated!
Yes, there is a prize awarded to the branch and employee who raises the most money. However, the DMI community generally agrees that the prize is irrelevant. We all just want to help-- which is all the reward we need.

Quick and easy fundraising idea: Collect bottles and cans from your family or company barbecues, on the beach, or around your neighborhood, and donate the redemption money received to St. Jude's. You'll be helping the environment and children at the same time!